Went on a fun family trip to Colorado with the Kessler's to visit the Jones's. Brandy and Coby moved to Grand Junction about a year ago. This was our first trip out there to see them. We drove as far as Grand Jct. to their house on Thursday stayed the night and then got up and drove with them to their friends vacation home in Ouray. Oh my gosh beautiful! Lets just say it was such a fun, relaxing way to spend the weekend! Did a little fishing on the most beautiful private lake, TOTALLY MY KIND OF FISHING!!! You could pretty much catch a fish everytime you threw your line in. The kids LOVED it...ok and so did mom.
Had a serious fish fry for breakfast/lunch. I couldn't bring myself to touch the fish head but Brandy came pretty close to having Ry kissin it!
this is where i sat a read a book....ahhhhh!
We even had the boys singing and doing dishes together.
Here are the kids warming up by the fire after playing outside in the rain with their dads. For the sake of this being a family site I won't post the pictures of the boys playing basketball in the rain. Their shirts got a little heavy being so wet and all...so clothes started comin off.....i know..iknow...if your really dying to see them, i can email them to you :o) let me know!
Sunday we drove into the town of Ouray to check out some cool sites and scenery.
We ate like royalty for every meal. This kitchen had like 20 sets of different dishes, we ate with a different color every day.