WE MADE IT. Thanks to everyone who helped us get here. It's a little harder getting your whole life packed up in a big truck and moving to another state than the 15 to 20 minute moves across town that we're used to. It's taken me a good two weeks to feel functional again! Thus, the blogging sabbatical! I haven't even had my camera out for any of it, so sorry no pictures on this one.
** We celebrated Coles birthday on the Sunday after we got here. The poor kid, i felt like a neglectful parent, his birthday got a little overlooked this year because it was in the middle of the whole moving mess. Thanks to Ryan and Jocelyn, he actually got to open a present ON his birthday. Mom and dads presents came later.
** Cole loves hanging out with all his cousins. I watched Cole and Ethan walking back and forth between Grandpa's house and the Tomlinson's today and making a fort in Ethan's backyard and just hanging out playing silly video games and I love it!
** I love that everybody just looks out for each other here! Now i know what the term "it takes a town to raise a child" really means. I really feel it here!
** I asked Rylee tonight if she likes living here, she giggled and mumbled yes as she ran off with Peyton. She is quite happy being Allie Bell and Peyton's little shadow. Allie and Peyt are her cute little 8 year old cousins. She loves following them around doing all the girly things they do!
** I'm loving my new job. it's been really fun and entertaining working with Christy and Ben. It's inspiring me to pick up scrap booking again just seeing all the cute supplies pass through my hands everyday! Here's a link to check out all the cute kits at
Scarlet Lime. Christy is an incredibly talented girl!
** I decided it was time for a new look so I went short and DARK. Had to find a new hair stylist, the joys of moving! Kinda scary cause ya never know what your gonna get the first time. I think i like her though. It's actually been fun to be short again, the big messy bun was getting old.
** TOTALLY sucks that BYU lost to TCU tonight! Losing after a 16 game winning streak really stinks! blah!
** Thank you mom and dad Campbell for letting us hang out in your basement for awhile!
** We're all getting really fat cause Grandma Campbell likes to cook really good food!
** Really missing all my Utah friends and family! xoxoxo