After a VERY long 4 weeks of being a single mother and missing the heck out of my dear sweet husband....he decided to come home! I think he missed us too! He was doing a job in San Fancisco with my 2 brothers Jason and Dalan. Besides missing their families and working I think they all had a lot of fun. They spent the weekends on the beach and tried lots of new restaurants. Kari, Michelle and I were able to fly out and spend Memorial Weekend with them so it did help break up the time...a little! They surprised us and drove through the night after work on Friday and got home early early Saturday morning. (they weren't expected to be home until late Saturday night) Cody called my cell phone at 4am to tell me they were just getting ready to leave and then asked me if i could do him a really big favor ...weird, i know. Then he asked me to open the front door! I practically tackled him on the porch before he finished his sentence! The best part is that i had him all to myself for 4 hours before the kids woke up! It was a really good surprise for a Saturday morning!
5 years ago