wet...cold....and windy.. Was the theme of Saturdays BYU game at home against Air Force. This was the first game this year that we have been able to attend. It was a little surprise for my dear Cody...well kinda. It went a little something like this. I found tickets on ksl classifieds and decided not to tell him. I made arrangements to meet the seller on thursday afternoon while cody was at work. Cody decided to surprise us and came home early and said "lets have a fun family day" hmmm...what was i to do? We decided to take the kids to lunch and a matinee so i told him that i needed to meet someone off the draper exit which was already in the proximity of our afternoon fun day anyway. He questioned me...a lot! but i just didn't answer...i just told him that it was something i really needed. He made the assumptions that it had something to do with my classified addiction and couldn't believe i was spending X amount of money on something i bought off the DANG classifieds. I heard all about how ridiculous it was for our 15 minute drive. So there we were sitting in the parking lot waiting for the seller and Cole blurts out from the backseat "DAD, MOM BOUGHT YOU BYU TICKETS!" (i never let Cole in on the secret because...well thats obvious) i turned around and said "cole what are you talking about?" He said "Mom, i heard you talking to uncle jason on the phone, you told him and he's going to babysit us" I was busted...needless to say i think my husband felt a little sheepish for assuming that my classified shopping addiction had gotten so out of hand that i would have to go around him to buy some furniture or home decor for X amount of money. I'm really not going to share how much i really spent on tickets to a football game...its embarrasing, but so worth a fun afternoon with my husband.
5 years ago
ok so i love your kids' BYU outfits! they look so cute! and cody you're amazing for finishing a marathon! i need to get my blog updated because i have a few pics to get up but holy crap i have a lot of homework!!! oh and btw, i believe the game on saturday was against air force, not tulsa...fyi...lol. i love it!
Who cares who the game was against, I'm glad I wasn't there! BYU Boo! Keedon is getting better and better at saying that! We love you guys! Go UTES!
Hi Jayla,
Your blog is so great...just wanted to stop by and say hello...hope things are going great! Happy {late} Birthday!
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