Monday, September 24, 2007

Go Cougars

wet...cold....and windy.. Was the theme of Saturdays BYU game at home against Air Force. This was the first game this year that we have been able to attend. It was a little surprise for my dear Cody...well kinda. It went a little something like this. I found tickets on ksl classifieds and decided not to tell him. I made arrangements to meet the seller on thursday afternoon while cody was at work. Cody decided to surprise us and came home early and said "lets have a fun family day" hmmm...what was i to do? We decided to take the kids to lunch and a matinee so i told him that i needed to meet someone off the draper exit which was already in the proximity of our afternoon fun day anyway. He questioned me...a lot! but i just didn't answer...i just told him that it was something i really needed. He made the assumptions that it had something to do with my classified addiction and couldn't believe i was spending X amount of money on something i bought off the DANG classifieds. I heard all about how ridiculous it was for our 15 minute drive. So there we were sitting in the parking lot waiting for the seller and Cole blurts out from the backseat "DAD, MOM BOUGHT YOU BYU TICKETS!" (i never let Cole in on the secret because...well thats obvious) i turned around and said "cole what are you talking about?" He said "Mom, i heard you talking to uncle jason on the phone, you told him and he's going to babysit us" I was busted...needless to say i think my husband felt a little sheepish for assuming that my classified shopping addiction had gotten so out of hand that i would have to go around him to buy some furniture or home decor for X amount of money. I'm really not going to share how much i really spent on tickets to a football game...its embarrasing, but so worth a fun afternoon with my husband.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Cody's Marathon

HE DID IT!!! He had a little trouble with his knee about 5 miles into it but he toughed it out and finished. More than I can ever even imagine doing. So proud of him!

Cole ran the last little distance and crossed the finish line with his dad. It was pretty cute!

I think he's falling asleep here. It was 26.2 miles...i'd be falling asleep too!

Grandma Hoggan came to support Cody AND snuggle with Rylee :o)

After the race we went to lunch with some of Cody's Colorado friends. Rachel also ran the race so her family and friends Heather and Suzanna came to cheer her on. He went to high school with these cute girls. (There were too many cameras going off at once, nobody could focus on just one)

AND PS...GO COUGARS! Not a good week for the team but my kids sure look cute in blue!

Back to PRE-SCHOOL...for the 3rd time

Does this look like a boy ready for pre-school AGAIN or what? Cole has a September birthday so he misses the deadline to move on to kindergarten this year by a few days. So this will be his 3rd year of pre-school. He's been excited to go to school since his first birthday so we started him young. He loves to learn and I think with his "preschool resume" he will be leaps and bounds ahead of his classmates when he finally makes it to kindergarten...but i'm kind of a bias mom.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

ok...did i mention it was my birthday? oh right.. i did

I just had to share about what an incredible husband i have! I mean seriously, he pulled off the biggest surprise in our 6 year marriage history. not only did he spoil me rotton on the saturday before my birthday but he managed to pull off a little surprise party on sunday as well! It was all part of the plan to make me think saturday was it. So...Sunday he tells me were going for a drive (might i add that he told me i didn't need to dress up...we weren't going to be seeing anyone..what a jerk..right?) so woke up from my sunday nap and jumped in the car...blindfolded. drove around playing some "guess where we are game" for about an hour and a half until we reached our final destination. I was sure we were somewhere in bountiful. He pulls off the blind fold and i'm standing in my backyard with just about everyone i know. What a surprise that was. Sure do love him...he's a tricky one! I'm not even going to share the pictures from this one. There were like 5 snap shots of me coming around the corner with a look of complete dumb-founded..ness! (is that a word?) Seriously looked like a DUMB 30 year use your imagination if you weren't there.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME...wait...and my kids?

My sister JULIE is freaking incredible. The girl goes above and beyond the call of sisterhood. She sent me "a little birthday package" as she would say....but there was nothing little about it. The box was bigger than i was, i really could probably have sat inside it. So we open it up and found all sorts of fun boxes...a little something for all of us. the cutest art box for cole filled with all sorts of preschool workbooks, crayons, glue, scissors, totally customized just for cole, with his name on everything. ps...for those preschooler moms here is a website she customized the "dot to dot learning how to write worksheet" thingys. He seriously hasn't stopped coloring, drawing, cutting and glueing since he got it.

For Rylee she sent this cute box full of everything for my little potty girl. Panties, a little potty doll with all the accessories, potty treats, a makeup bag full of lipgloss, fingernail polish and lotion. LOVE IT!

oh ya and for me. all sorts of little fun stuff!

We sure do LOVE our AUNT JULIE!

My addiction! something you may not know about me....i have this addiction of continually recycling my furniture via classifieds and Lets just say....i get bored lookin at the same stuff everyday. Gotta change the scenery every now and then, ya know what i mean? Here are a few of my most recent finds. The kid's bedroom was driving me crazy (yes, cole and rylee share a room) cole had this ginormous twin bed that took up the entire bedroom and rylee had a little toddler bed and they didn't match :o( so we needed to free up some space. I found these CUTE and i mean so cute toddler bunk beds. No, this isn't something you can buy at the stores but somebody had the same problem i had (two kids and ONE small room) so they made them. I found this at an incredible steal at $70. I then came home and posted cole's bed on ksl and someone came and picked it up within the hour for $100. talk about a deal. i now have the cute little mini me room i've always wanted for my kids, now i just need to work on coordinated bedding.

My second find: a new entertainment center for my living room. sold my old one for $300 bought this for $280. So after all is said and done i made money on my home makeover!